Fredrik Fernström

Founder and Strategist

About Fredrik

At the moment, my mind is somewhat blank. I probably just need to get the thoughts flowing... Who is Fredrik Fernström? Writing about myself is challenging – is it because I’m incredibly humble? No, that’s probably wishful thinking. But one thing is certain: the Fredrik who started a business more than 10 years ago didn’t do it out of humility but out of hunger. A desire to show myself and others what I’m capable of. That drive is still there, though it has taken a different form. Entrepreneurship is still the way I define myself. Creative, visionary, and always seeing opportunities everywhere. I want to build, build, and build. But also sometimes messy, with many balls in the air – it has its pros and cons.

I’m probably in a phase where entrepreneurship is more about my own maturity than proving something. I’ve started to settle into the idea that "pain is progress," and that building a company is incredibly hard, which is why it’s also so damn fun. Of everything we’ve achieved with Invise (so far), I’m most proud of the fact that we can actually call ourselves a successful company while maintaining a free, engaged, and eventful culture. I understand that sounds a bit cliché, but so be it.

Looking ahead, I see us strengthening our position as a business-minded agency where we develop our clients on many levels. For individuals at Invise, we will focus more on development that extends beyond just their professional role. Ensuring we grow mentally is a great responsibility. But then again, we love taking on big challenges. I actually believe that the key to successful companies will increasingly be about just that: focusing on development that goes beyond just the individual’s skillset. I also think we are heading exactly in that direction!